
  • Raphael de Oliveira Reis FAMINAS
  • Lídia Miranda Brinati
  • Wallan Mcdonald Soares Souza
  • Sebastião Ezequiel Vieira Centro Universitário FAMINAS - Muriaé
  • Soraya Lúcia do Carmo da Silva Loures Centro Universitário FAMINAS - Muriaé
  • Bianca Morcerf Nunes Centro Universitário FAMINAS - Muriaé
  • Rafael Henrique dos Reis Fundação Cristiano Varella - Hospital do Câncer
  • Igor Guerra Cheloni Centro Universitário FAMINAS - Muriaé


ferimentos e lesões, enfermagem, Atenção à saúde


Objective: To identify in the literature the factors that hinder the treatment of chronic wounds in the context of Primary Care. Methods: This is an integrative literature review of articles published between 2016 and 2022, with the guiding question: “How is it possible to establish comprehensive access, through the SUS, to clients with chronic wounds?”. Results: A total of 10 studies were obtained as samples, classified as descriptive, methodological and experience reports. In these, theoretical/practical knowledge of nursing in skin care, physical structure of Primary Care and the analysis of the use of established protocols for the nursing team, in order to guide the skin care provided to the patient are debated. Final considerations: Through the analysis, the existing gaps in the continuing education process aimed at Nurses are evident. It is possible to see that most of them have problems in achieving comprehensive care for the patients with wounds, due to a series of errors, such as: problems in management by not providing the necessary materials to perform a dressing, the deficit of professional training evidenced by the deficiency in the careful and correct prescription of coverage, the lack of knowledge or the act of ignoring the institutional protocols on the prevention and treatment of wounds and the lack of epidemiological studies that portray the number of patients with chronic wounds, which hides the current scenario, with a possibly very high prevalence.


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How to Cite

Reis, R. de O., Miranda Brinati, L., Mcdonald Soares Souza, W., Vieira, S. E., do Carmo da Silva Loures, S. L., Morcerf Nunes, B., … Guerra Cheloni, I. (2024). FACTORS THAT MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO TREAT CHRONIC WOUNDS IN PRIMARY CARE. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DA FAMINAS, 19(1), 92–99. Retrieved from https://periodicos.faminas.edu.br/index.php/RCFaminas/article/view/822