Prevalence of common symptoms and dietary characteristics in women with premenstrual syndrome: a descriptive study



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects women in the reproductive phase and the symptoms can affect the physical, psychological, emotional, and social state of these women. Therefore, this research aimed to verify the prevalence of PMS symptoms and dietary characteristics of women in this phase. This is a cross-sectional survey, carried out through an online questionnaire with adult women of childbearing age. The validated Portuguese version of “The Premenstrual Syndrome Screening Tool” (PSST) was used, which involves an analysis of PMS symptoms on a scale with varying degrees of severity. A total of 534 adult women with a mean age of 30.6 ± 8.5 years and a mean BMI of 25.4 ± 5.4 kg/m2 were included. In the PSST analysis, 23.6% were classified as indicative of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 38.8% with moderate and severe PMS and 37.6% as mild or absent PMS. More than 60% of the women had moderate and severe symptoms for physical symptoms, anger, irritability, anxiety, and tension. Among the volunteers, 75.7% reported feeling hungrier during PMS, 70.4% feel cramps, 72.5% feel headaches and 71.5% feel that weight increases during this period. In food, there was a greater preference for foods rich in sugar and fat, such as chocolates, sweets, cakes, fried foods, hamburgers, pizza and ice cream during PMS and a lower consumption of fruits, vegetables, and oilseeds. This survey demonstrated a high prevalence of women with the most severe forms of PMS and the unhealthy eating habits that can normally be associated with these observed symptoms.


Keywords: Food intake; Menstrual cycle; Premenstrual syndrome; Nutrition.

Author Biographies

Elizabeth Inácia da Silva, Faculdade de Minas Faminas-BH

Graduanda em Nutrição na Faculdade de Minas Faminas-BH

Izabella Brant de Aquino, Faculdade de Minas Faminas-BH

Graduanda em Nutrição na Faculdade de Minas Faminas-BH

Marcio Leandro Ribeiro de Souza, Faculdade de Minas Faminas-BH

Doutor e Mestre pela Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG. Possui quatro pós-graduações Lato sensu em Nutrição Clínica Funcional, Nutrição Esportiva Funcional, Fitoterapia Funcional e Treinamento Desportivo. É professor no curso de Nutrição na Faculdade de Minas FAMINAS-BH. É professor nos cursos de pós-graduação da VP Centro de Nutrição Funcional. É autor dos livros: "Nutrientes aplicados à prática clínica" e "Suplementação Nutricional: guia prático para o atendimento".


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How to Cite

Silva, E. I. da, Aquino, I. B. de, & Souza, M. L. R. de. (2023). Prevalence of common symptoms and dietary characteristics in women with premenstrual syndrome: a descriptive study. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DA FAMINAS, 18(2), 14–23. Retrieved from